FCAS Presents
Daly Edmunds
Policy and Outreach Director, Audubon Rockies
“Sagebrush Country: What the future will look like for the West’s iconic ecosystem”
Thursday, March 14th, 2024
Social Time 7:00
Announcements 7:20;
Presentation 7:30;
Fort Collins Senior Center Twinberry Auditorium, 1200 Raintree Dr.
Door Prize Drawing (must be present to win)
***This program will also be accessible online using Zoom***
It will also be viewable in-person at the Senior Center.
Enter the following link on your web browser at 7 p.m. and follow the instructions to join the meeting virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88114151985
The sagebrush steppe is North America’s largest ecosystem – spanning 14 states and 2 Canadian provinces. This ecologically rich landscape has a long history of being overlooked, but politics and efforts to conserve it have elevated it to national attention. Learn what makes this ecosystem so important and how species like Sage-grouse, Golden Eagles, Ravens, mule deer and pygmy rabbits will play a role in determining its future.
Daly Edmunds is the director of policy and outreach for Audubon Rockies. She is responsible for furthering the Sagebrush Ecosystem Initiative on a regional scale and works with government representatives, conservation organizations, and community leaders throughout Colorado and neighboring states to do so.
This program is free and the public is welcomed.